Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Introductions are in order!

Greetings to you, reader of this blog! The origin of this blog is because of the fact it is a requirement for McDaniel’s IDS: Folk and Fairy Tales Around the World. I decided to enroll in this course because of the huge influence that fairy tale stories had on my childhood. My mother was always a huge fan of Disney and their stories and it had rubbed off on me as a child. 

By taking this course, I am hoping to obtain a better understanding of the origins of folk and fairy tales and how they’ve evolved to become the stories that they are today. 

One of my all-time favorite fairy tales is that of Cinderella.

I think it’s safe to say my passion for the theme of Cinderella came from the many iterations that I saw growing up- whether it was the original Disney version, Rodgers & Hammerstein’s, or the many variations of the movies of ‘A Cinderella Story’. Not only was Cinderella a kind figure towards animals, the stepsisters were always comedic relief and a stark contrast as to what it means to be a decent human being. The stepsisters were always ridiculous, snobby, and crude characters that showed one of the ways humanity could be awful towards itself. 

 Until next time!